Walt The Frog?! is a new and incredibly beautiful game in the genre of puzzle and entertaining games for Android, the first version of which was released today on the Android market and is being sold for $1.01. In this game, you play the role of Walt, a lovable frog whose only wish has been to become a hero frog! A mysterious planet collides with Earth and Walt, the main character of the game, sees himself in his own pond!
He realizes that bees have attacked and killed his friends, and the only surviving creature is himself, a frog. The bees intend to take his life and want to eliminate him as well! What can you do about it? The only thing you do in this game is to use Walter’s long tongue to swallow and eat bees and insects to rid the land of mysterious insects.
One of the features of the game Walt The Frog?! is its excellent 3D graphics, high-quality music, various enemies, and 5 colorful worlds.
This game has a installation file with a size of 7 megabytes and also has a data file with a size of approximately 70 megabytes. You can download it and see some images of the game environment by visiting the continuation of the article.
+ Download Walt The Frog?! Game Data File with 70 MB Size
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