Disorder v1.3 – Ein sehr schönes Action- und Kriegsspiel „Disorder“ für Android-Geräte
Ein grafisch beeindruckender und gut gemachter Titel vom bekannten Studio NetEase Games
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Disorder – آشوب is the name of a very exciting and thrilling action-adventure game developed and published by the renowned company NetEase Games. This studio has released several beautiful and professional games in the battle royale genre, including FortCraft, LifeAfter, Cyber Hunter, Ride Out Heroes, Super Mecha Champions, and Identity V. The main feature of almost all games by this developer is their unique designs. NetEase games are usually a level above the common mobile games and are truly among the best mobile games in this regard. The graphics and design details in these games may not be as good as console games, but they all have the ability to run at 60 frames per second, which means an extraordinary gaming experience that you can rarely find in a mobile game. In this article, we want to introduce another game with the same features. Disorder is another title from this strong company that has been released with the same language of timeless designs but with special features. Disorder, or آشوب (disorder), is an action-packed and highly graphical game that at first glance will remind you of top-level computer games. This game is released in the group battle royale genre and has recreated group battles in the best possible way to give you a thrilling experience. Like most games by this studio, the story of Disorder also takes place in the future. A future that has led to intense disorders between different military groups, and each group is seeking to gain power.




In the game Disorder, the story takes place in the year 2030 AD. The world is in chaos and disorder reigns in various parts of the Earth. Governments are no longer able to control anything, and now it is the military groups and factions that seek power over all countries. You are in the role of one of these fighters who must strive for their own survival. You are forced to eliminate others in order to stay alive, otherwise you will be a victim of this chaos and disorder. The game is played in a group and online. You must choose your desired character from the game characters and upgrade it. There are various types of weapons and military equipment in the game Disorder. Just like many similar games, you can find different resources and items inside the game or loot them from enemies. The game is designed in an open-world format, and you can move around and explore in large maps. But you should know that enemies may be present at any point. Also, do not forget that one of the key secrets to success in the game Disorder is paying attention to group activities. Therefore, a group that works as a team has a much better chance of winning. The items and upgrades in the game are very diverse and extensive, and through them, you can upgrade your character to several levels. This incredibly beautiful game with remarkable graphics has been released, and that is why its final size is also large. If you are interested, you can download the latest tested update of the game right now after viewing the screenshots or trailer video of the game from Farsroid.io.

Anleitung zur Installation und Ausführung des Spiels:

– Laden Sie die Datendatei herunter und extrahieren Sie sie aus dem komprimierten Format. Kopieren Sie den Ordner com.netease.disorder in den Pfad Android/obb des internen Speichers des Geräts.