BombusMod – بمبوس مود is one of the best and most popular chat software that has been released for various operating systems, and today we have released the latest version for Android devices. Juick Team programming studio has offered Bombus messenger for free on Google Play and with thousands of downloads, it is considered one of the most popular chat apps. With this powerful messenger, you can easily connect your accounts on various services such as Yahoo, Live Messenger, Nimbuzz, Gmail, etc. and have access to all your contacts on different services with one messenger. Bombus Messenger used to have a lot of fans before Nimbuzz Android added chat rooms, but with the addition of chat rooms in Nimbuzz Android, the number of fans for this messenger has decreased. However, Bombus still has its own special fans! Some features of Bombus include having various emoticons, the ability to choose online, offline and busy status, and the ability to copy and paste text. If you are looking for an all-in-one messenger to have on your Android device, without a doubt, this messenger is designed for you.




L’application BombusMod a été téléchargée des milliers de fois par les utilisateurs Android du monde entier sur Google Play et la dernière version est maintenant disponible gratuitement sur La méthode d’utilisation de Bombus est très simple, suivez ces étapes : Jid : nom d’utilisateur sous la forme ; Password : mot de passe de l’utilisateur Nimbuzz ; Nickname : nom d’utilisateur sous la forme x ; Après avoir entré ces informations, cliquez sur Extended Setting et remplissez les informations suivantes : Host Name/IP : entrez l’adresse