Multiple Accounts: Dual Accounts & Parallel Space v4.5.2Using multiple accounts on WhatsApp, Clash of Clans and… on Android
Professional and complete version of the program is offered to you

Do you have multiple accounts on social networks and need to log out of your current account every time you want to check them? Or do you have separate accounts for work and personal life on messaging apps and have to use only one of them every time? Or are you playing games on a phone or tablet with others and don’t want your scores to mix with others? If you have such problems, you are not alone. Many other users also have this problem and always complain that Android does not allow them to install an app again. Fortunately, very good solutions have been offered to solve this problem. Today, we introduce you to an app that allows you to install multiple versions of software on your phone simultaneously and completely solve the problem of having multiple accounts. Multiple Accounts: Dual Accounts & Parallel Space is an app for installing multiple identical versions of messaging apps, social networks, and games on the Android operating system, developed by Wang Technology software group and published for free on Google Play. With this app, you can easily install multiple versions of apps like Clash of Clans, Telegram, Instagram, etc. on your phone and use them. Different versions of app information are stored in different places and will not interfere with each other. Now, support for 64-bit apps has also been added to the program, and you can clone and install such apps. Even with this app, you can log in with two different user accounts on Google Play and follow your online games separately with different accounts. This app has been tested on various applications, and its performance has been confirmed on 99% of them.

Some features and capabilities of the Multiple Accounts: Dual Accounts & Parallel Space app for Android:

  • Install identical versions of apps and games with separate storage for each of their data
  • Possibility of having multiple accounts for WhatsApp, Telegram, Clash of Clans, and more
  • Support for multiple accounts on Google Play
  • Support for installing new 64-bit apps and games
  • Preserving user privacy with high-level security measures
  • Simple and clean user interface with easy navigation
  • No interference between data of different accounts on the same app
  • Optimized and efficient use of device CPU

The Multiple Accounts: Dual Accounts & Parallel Space app is an excellent and comprehensive tool for those who have multiple accounts on social networks and online games and want to manage them all with just one device. This app has received a rating of 4.0 out of 5.0 from Android users on Google Play. You can now download the professional version of this app with all its features and capabilities for free from


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